
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


We go in tomorrow morning to have our sweet Ivy and words don't describe how excited we are around here to be able to finally love on her and get her out of me! I have to take a minute to admit I am sad that Jax will no longer be my baby I know that this is the cycle of life as one child grows and blossoms I get to help the next one accomplish all that I have taught my other two. Jax is such a sweet boy he full of different personalities one day he will be kind and loving the next very sensitive and the very next day he will be my little terror monster full of little boy noises and disasters. I love watching him find himself and learn new things!! Somedays he is a mommas boy and others all he wants is to be his dads shadow I think he is a perfect blend between Josh and I. We are so blessed to have this little boy in our home breaking up all the girls;) We love you Jax more than you will ever know and we can't wait to see you get the chance to be the big brother!!!!


Well even though I have been in denial for the whole summer, Madison started Kindergarten. I couldn't be more proud, she has blossomed into such a perfect little girl. She will always be my first at everything she does, when I look at her I see my first baby wrapped so tightly in a blanket being handed to me for the first time, my first baby I cheered on as she took her first steps, to my first screaming child that made me break down and cry for hours thinking I was a horrible mom;) She was my first to send to school and even though it breaks my heart to have her away from me for half of the day She makes my heart swell with pride!! So heres to you Madison I hope you are kind and loving, I hope you remember to wash those cute little hands, and I hope you learn more than you ever thought possible you are such a blessing to our family and I'm happy I get to share  you with others at school!!! Love you darling more than words can ever describe!!